If you are looking for a Mitsubishi L200 K50, it is highly unlikely that you will visit this website, and even less likely that you have internet access.

The Mitsubishi L200 K50 is the sort of car that comes with the social stigma with which you will be asked in traffic how many kilograms of cheese you have in the bed and how much for a pound. Nevertheless, I am writing about the L200 K50 because it is so popular among the shepherds of our country and beyond.

I say this because both the Mitsubishi L200 K50 and its derivative, the Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, were so popular in England and alot of them still roam the hills and mountains (mostly hills) of our country. 

Why was it so popular, and why don’t you necessarily want one? Because Mitsubishi built an old-fashioned truck, so agricultural and work-oriented that not even a salaryman could dream of it’s work ethic. True work, not lightweight tasks such carrying cement, shovels, windows, or iron bars. No, with an L200 like this, you can leave in the winter, in the night, to the nearest veterinarian because the sheep isn’t feeling well.


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So there are 3 types of trucks. We have trucks adapted more for the tarmac but not the brightest when it comes to off-roading, like the Ford Ranger and Nissan Navara. Then there are decent trucks both on-road and off-road but excellent at nothing, like the Toyota Hilux. Finally, we have trucks not very good on-road but exceptional off-road, like the Mitsubishi L200 and Isuzu D-Max. So, if you don’t plan on moving to a mountain pasture and have a personal issue with a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed stone, and asphalt, then the Mitsubishi L200 K50 is the right choice.

Oh, before I move on to engines, I need to translate what the writing means or at least the trim levels. 4Work means the work version, the cheapest and the most basic, while the 4Life and Warrior versions are for those who distinguish between family members and sacks of potatoes, and consequently, they come with features such as seats, windows, or air conditioning.


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Mitsubishi L200 K50 Engines


  • 2.0 4G63 of 92 horsepower – I’ve talked about this engine in the article about the Mitsubishi Galant, but I won’t dwell on it here because it is an insufficient engine, and the next engine is just a bigger version of this one. 
  • 2.4 4G64 of 132 horsepower – Now we’ve reached the legendary 2.4 4G64. I’ve talked about it in many articles because this engine was produced in collaboration with Daewoo / GM – Hyundai / Kia – Mitsubishi, where the engine is the same in design, but the quality of the parts differs. Excellent in terms of reliability, but it didn’t catch on in Europe, unlike the USA, where gasoline costs 3 cents per galon. There are some reliability issues on the engine family, but not here because Mitsubishi used more reliable components. 
  • 3.0 V6 6G72 of 148 and 178 horsepower – The 24-valve version with 178 horsepower is more prone to leaks at the camshaft covers than the 12-valve version with 148 horsepower, but the biggest issue is that this engine is not a workhorse, and it shouldn’t be in an L200 like I shouldn’t be doing a triathlon. Putting this engine to work in an L200 is like having a bodybuilder plow a field. It looks good, and seems capable, but I guarantee it won’t handle the digging through the hardened soil.


  • 2.5D 4D56 of 84 horsepower –  No. 2.5 TD – 100, 115, and 133 horsepower. By far, the most popular engine you’ll find in L200s here. Again, it’s a diesel made in collaboration with Hyundai and Kia, and it’s an indestructible engine, except for the turbo. But this engine runs just fine and pretty much the same with or without a turbo. This is the only engine you need in this generation of the L200, honestly. 
  • 2.8 TD 4M40 of 123 and 138 horsepower – It’s more commonly found in the proper Pajeros, but somehow it also infiltrated across the ocean, especially in the UK. Fairly reliable as long as you take care of the cooling system and change the timing chain every 150,000 km and the glow plugs every year.


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Mitsubishi L200 K50 Reliability Issues

  • The biggest issue with the L200 in this generation by far is rust. If you find an classified for an L200, it means it either got treated for rust, or it didn’t gather enough rust to stop working.
  • I mentioned that the L200 is for the kind of person who can barely tell the difference between people and potatoes. This is because the basic versions come with only basic equipment like the engine immobilizer and central locking. The rest, including airbags, are optional. This is not a car for the pretentious, no matter what the dealers write in their ads.
  • The rear suspension is adapted for heavy work, which means that if you don’t have a load in the bed, the truck will be as agile as running on ice.


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Mitsubishi L200 K50 Verdict  

A true workhorse. Whether you’re a forest ranger, a shepherd, or have an intense hatred for tarmac, the Mitsubishi L200 K50 definitely deserves your attention. I’m not sure if it’s worth the money though, considering how much it costs. But atleast you know that this a purchase for life, if you find one that hasn’t rusted away too much.


Which engines do I recommend? For petrol, the 2.4 4G64 and it’s 132 horsepower, and for diesel you’ll mostly find the 2.5 TD 4D56 anyway.